Thursday, February 24, 2011

Extra Credit

Thanks for doing your part... If you leave a comment about something you learned about either Judaism or the Islamic faith on this post I will add five points of extra credit to your grade.


  1. I learned that Islams pray 5 times a day and always say the same thing and always pray toward Mecca and always pray at the exact same time! I never knew that :)
    -Mayson Astle period 8

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I learned that the 5 pillars of Islam are 1)faith, 2)prayer,3)alms,4) fasting, and 5) pilgrimage.
    -Emily Curtis period 8

  4. I learned that in Islam they have Ramadan and they go for 40 days without food or water during the day, but when the sun goes down they kind of pig out all night long then they fast all day the next day again.
    -Alexander Oscco period 8

  5. I learned that one of the five pillars of islam is pilgrimage. This is when they travel to Mecca and perform hajj. If given the chance everyone must do this pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime. The most popuar time to go to mecca is during the month of Ramadan. Only muslims are allowed into the city of Mecca.
    -Lani Maclennan period 8

  6. I learned that both of those religions believe there is only one god and Muslims pray toward the Mecca 5time a day. Also Muslims don't eat during the day when it's Ramadan. :)
    -Yoojeong Kim Period 5

  7. I learned that giving alms is one of the five pillars of Islam.
    -Kate Cutchins Period 8

  8. I learned that in Islam they believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a prophet who received revelation from Allah and wrote the Qur'an. - Oscar Cedeno 5

  9. I learned that Muslims have religious communities called Umma's. I can relate to that!
    -Sarah Thayne Period 5

  10. I learned that they never have pictures of Allah - only the word so that they won't be idol worshiping.

    Tarryn Jakins Period 5

  11. I learned that the Islamic faith believes that they are decedents of Ishmael, Abraham's eldest son. I never knew how the two religions connected.

    Maren Christensen, Period 5

  12. I learned that Islam doesnt worship Elohim but Allah.
    Jarett tanner period 5
