Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31- Sept 1

Daily Question: What makes one civilization better than another civilization? Give Evidence
Current Events: 9/11 Anniversary Worries
Cuniform Activity - Play-Doh word game
Sumerian PowerPoint and Notes
Middle East Map- Due the next class
Introduce China

Homework: Finish Middle East Map- Color and Label all countries

August 29/30

Daily Jouranl: Do you think that you should recieve the same actions for punishment that you placed on the person you hurt?
Current Events: Hurricane Irene
Collect Parent Signed Disclousure Form
Discussion on Aspects of a civilization
Partner work on making an example of own civilization- 10pts
Notes and Discussion from PowerPoint on Sumer
Exit Post it note quiz on days lecture-

Be sure to know aspects that make a civilization for Quiz !!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 25/26

DJ: What country in the world do you think is the most important to understand? Why?
Current Events
Collect Sudent Profile
Go over World Civilizations disclosure document
Link up name game
Shift video- reflection
John Lennon Minuatue world discussion

Homework Collected: Student Profile
Homework Assigned: Take home and review disclosure document- Return next class period

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 23/24

Daily Journal #1: What is one thing you are looking foward to this school year? Why?
Current Event
Make Desk Name Tags
Hand out Student Profile for Homework
Check Activity
Beatles Movie Clip - How will future Civilizations judge the Beatles?

Homework: Student  Profile