Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th

1/3: How has something from our last unit (Middle Ages, Reformation, Renaissance) still impact people's lives today?
7: What are you doing for spring break?

1/3: Test
7: Movie

Have a great spring break.
When you return Ms. Bowers will be your teacher!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 4th and 5th

7th and 4th
Journal: How does something you learned about from this last unit (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation) still impact people's lives today?
Current Event
Review Game

All notes and worksheets from this last unit is due today! You have until Friday to make up late work or tests.

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2nd and 3rd

7th and 4th Period
Journal: When someone tells you have done something wrong how do you react? Give examples.
Current Event
Reformation Notes
King Henry VII Video Clip
Facebook Activity

HW: Finish Facebook activity. Pick from serf, knight, pope, renaissance man, Martin Luther and create a Facebook page (download from the right) using facts you learned about in class. Due next class.

***7th and 4th Period Test Wednesday 4/4 and Thursday 4/6****
All work for Middle Ages is due on the day of the test.
Ms. Schmoldt and Ms. Riley will be finishing their student teaching on Friday, you MUST turn any work in that they gave to you or else you won't get credit for it.

March 29th and 30th

1/3: What would happen if half the population die?
7/4: How does art contribute to a society
Current Event

Talked about the plague, middle ages, and the Renaissance
Gallery Walk (looked at different art from the Middle Ages)

HW: Review due the day of the test