Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept 9-12

Daily Journal: What are some inventions you could not live with out? Give Evidence
Current Events:9/11 Remembered
Reviewd Mesopotamia and China
Introduced Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Stations-

Four Stations were set up that were discussed and taught in small groups by BYU students and Mrs. Bowers. If you missed class you will need to come check out a text book to get this information that was in the discussion.
We filled out four papers on the Indus Valley Civilization. The first was the evidence that the civilization exisited and thier values, second the geography of the area and how it hurt or benifited the people, third the inventions of this amazing group and four the decline of the civilization.

You may pick the worksheets up from Mrs. Bowers when you check out a book. We will collect the worksheets in our next class. You should have finished in class today but if you did not if is homework for you to finish.

Sept 7-8

What are five goals you have for your life? Why are these goals?
Current Events
Engineering and Empire Movie on China- If you missed this you can find and watch it on Youtube or come borrow it from me for the night.
Turn in Questions that followed the movie at the end of class
Discussed Yin and Yang

Sept 2-4

DJ: What are five qualities you admire in another modern civilization?
Current Events
China Word Wall

5-2-1 Notes on China PowerPoint these were turned in on Sept 6 and 7th.

5 - Level One questions- These questions are simple fact based questions.
These are examples of level one questions
A. What is a dynstay?
B. What was central to Chinese families?
C. What is the one child policy?
 2- Level Two Questions- These questions look at long term consequences, cause and effect or compare and contrast.
Examples of Level 2 questions
A. What are the long term consequences of China's one child policy?
B. Compare and Contrast the daily life of people in China and Mesopotamia.

1- Level three question- This is an opinion statement  that is back with evidence from the lecture.
Examples of Level Three questions
A. I believe that the one child policy is immoral because....
B. I think that modern day China will be America largest ally because...

One Child Policy on Modern China Video