Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct 10-11

Daily Journal: Tell me everything you know about Judaism
Current Event
5 minute Review
Islam Quiz - Peer grade quiz
Collect Cornell Islam Notes from this section
Judaism Background Knowledge Graph on the board as a class
Judaism PowerPoint-
Things you should know at the end of class....
Where did it start? Who is the founder? What is one of the major disagreements between Muslims and Jews? Why do both of these groups claim Israel and the Birth Right?

Oct 6-7

Daily Journal: Do you think we should be concerned about "Radical Muslims"?
Current Events
Discuss the Sunni and Shite Split-
Why did these two groups split? What is there fundamental differences?
Who is Al Queda? Political or Religious Group: Where did they get their start?
Watch 5 different news articles about Radical Muslim groups- fill out worksheet on these groups.

If you are absent to make up this activity you must write a 1 page paper discussing the following concepts.
1. Sunni and Shite Split- What are the differences? Who followed the caliphs?
2. Who is Al Queda? Where did they get their start? How did the United States contribute to their start?
3. What makes a group a "Radical Islamic" group? Where do most of these groups exist today?

Sept 30- Oct 3

** I am sorry I was absent for this lesson. I am at a Leadership Conference for Student Council. I know that you guys did great for the sub!****

Daily Journal: How do you think leaders in a religion should be called to have "authority" over those in their religion? Do all religions call their leaders in the same way? Give examples from different Religions that you know of how leaders are chosen.
Current Events

**** If you missed class you will have to come check out a book and an article from me tomorrow. **
Read in textbook pages 269- 272 answer questions 1 and 3-7

Read the article "Growing up Saudi" - The pink sheet for the girls and the Blue sheet for the boys. On the Venn Diagram compare yourself to the Saudi Boy or Saudi Girl.

These will be collected in the next class

Sept 28-29

Daily Journal: What are some "guiding principles" or rules that you live your life?
Current Event

Discussion of the Five Pillars of Islam- Continue with Islam PowerPoint
Take Cornell Notes on Islam PowerPoint for all of the Islamic Section of the Unit on Religion
Idenitfy from other religions if they have similiar ideas to any of these 5 pillars?
Inside Mecca Movie Clip
My 5 Pillars Activity- Decide on the five most important principles in your life.
On a blank sheet of paper seperate it into 5 sections. Label each one of these sections with one of your 5 guiding principles. In that section write a paragraph that explains why this concept/idea/group/person is so valuable to you. Also in the section draw a picture that exemplifies this concept- Section must be colored

Sept 23-27

Daily Journal: Do you think that religion adds or detracts from our society?
Current Events
Islam Discussion
5-2-1 Notes on Islam PowerPoint
Comedians of Islam-
 The Axis of Evil
Stereotypes of Muslims- Do we discriminate? Do we have reasons?
Difference Between the word Muslim and Islam

Sept 21-22

Daily Journal: What makes someone a good person? Is that the same reason you like a specific person? Should those reasons be the same?
-Current Event
-5 minutes of any last questions before the exam
-Unit One Exam
- KWL chart as a class on religion- Seperate your paper into three sections. In the first section lable it "What I already know " the second section label it "What I want to Know"
 and the third section we will fill out at the end of the Relgions Unit.

Sept 19-20

Daily Journal: What qualities make you like a person?
Current Event
Class Review Game for Unit One Exam - Early River Civilizations
Unit One Review on page 56-57 questions 1-17

*** Exam during NEXT PERIOD********

Sept 15-16

Daily Journal: Who is the most beautiful women in the world? Why?
Current Events
Discussion of Queen Nefertii- What made her so famous? What is beautiful?
Continue with Egypt PowerPoint
Mummification process of Doll
Mummificaton of Apple

Sept 13-14

Daily Journal: How do you picture your funeral? Who will be there? What will be the mood?
Current Events
5-2-1 Notes on Egpyt PowerPoint
Mummification Movie Clip
Animal Mummification
Walk a Pyrimid Activity outside- How big are they really?